School Security Planning Workshop

The S2 Institute School Security Planning Workshop is a one-day seminar designed to educate school leaders about effective security and emergency readiness measures for reducing risk of active shooter violence. In this unique program, school security consultant Craig Gundry presents a comprehensive and integrated risk management strategy specifically designed to address the unique culture and operational characteristics of public and independent schools.

To assist school leaders in assessing the their current security measures and identifying potential options for improvement, several self-assessment exercises are conducted through the course of the workshop focusing on issues such as threat assessment and management plans, physical security vulnerability, and emergency readiness.

The protective measures and emergency preparations explored during the School Security Planning Workshop are based on the Guardian SafeSchool Program® standards and reflect state-of-the-art practices in school security. Emphasis in this program is placed on common problems and practical solutions based on the instructor’s extensive experience working with schools across the nation.

Summary of topics include:

Dynamics of Active Shooter Violence in SchoolsSecurity Risk Management Strategy Safe School Climate and Culture • Psychology of Targeted Violence • School Threat Assessment Methodology • Physical Security Design and Access Control • Emergency Infrastructure Preparations • Emergency Response Planning

    • Understand important principles about security risk management in schools
    • Develop and implement policies and procedures to reinforce positive school climate and culture
    • Reconcile potential conflicts between security issues and school climate and culture
    • Understand the pathway to targeted violence and dynamics of mass homicide in schools
    • Recognize warning behaviors and students who may be progressing toward violence
    • Develop a student threat assessment plan and implement effective procedures in conducting threat assessments
    • Understand the principles of effective physical security design as applicable to schools
    • Recognize critical vulnerabilities in school physical security and emergency infrastructure, and prescribe effective improvements
    • Develop effective emergency response plans for dictating actions during imminently-dangerous events
    • Develop a school reunification plan

Course Details

Craig Gundry

Restriction Level
Level 1 – No restrictions

Presentation Time
8-Hrs/1 Days (8:30am to 4:30pm)

School Principals, Heads of School, Headmasters, Superintendents, School Resource Officers, School Security Directors

Previous S2 School Security Planning & Active Shooter Preparation Courses